24 X 30" Acrylic on Canvas
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Artist Description:
I see us as nothing more than the highest form of consciousness this planet has yet to produce. We are like these hair follicle antennas reaching into the electrics here, downloading data transcribing into reality. This beautiful sentient relationship waiting for your acceptance and participation is what our lives were granted for. Every generation takes a piece from its predecessor and destroys much of the rest in order to rebuild it, adding that piece to a long chain of evolution in the consciousness that we all share. This action is a state of bliss when achieved and it brings functionality, meaning and purpose to a very core level deep down inside of our subconscious, operating through our nervous system, pulsating through the center of our awareness. These revelations come to me through meditation when I am quiet and simply observe. Emptying of the mind is key in order to see beyond the physical realm. It seems that reality is nothing more than a projection of our thoughts. Time is required for us to gather the elements needed to bring thought into three-dimensional form. Everything from the chair to the desktop computer is a manifestation derived from the mind. Where did these thoughts come from? Were they our own or are we just in a puzzle of ourselves seeking a clear transmission for a transcription? Mythology is reality as is magic is language, we speak things into being calling out words like casting a spell to perform magic. These things are not taught to us in school because we would become unruly. Rather they have us be ruled in a technological mechanized reality of artificial intelligence, a world inverted obsessed with division, disorder, dismemberment, destruction; our submission will be our demise through all that we create and worship. But these authority figures, be they man or machine, are unnecessary obstacles that we must overcome in order to evolve and send our human existence towards its destiny and not its fate. We are in flow now with the Aquarian age, a spiritual time where the middleman is no longer necessary to connect you to the source of all. Some call the source God, Yahweh, Allah, Indra, it really doesn’t matter what name you subscribe to, what matters is the state of consciousness you exist within. The honoring of all humans, the respect for individual thoughts, the willingness to communicate with others in order to harmonize are all part of our nature and we are real AF! in order to fulfill these universal desires.