high quality print and came with a couple of stickers as well.
Sadly the first print I ordered was damaged during shipping, but customer support was quickly to respond and got me another sent ASAP. they also gave me tips on how to try and fix the damaged piece. I ironed out what creases I could and framed and hung it as an extra in my studio! Thanks for the tip! When the other arrived as I was unwrapping it they snuck in a nice bonus print for my troubles and it really made my day!
Thanks so much for that! All the Clothing and Art I've received has been top quality! Love it!
Just one thing not to serious because it didn't mess with picture hardly at all, just the white edges, it measures at "30 3/4 IN x 36 IN",
I had to get about 3/8th cut off the sides at Hobby Lobby because my frame was exactly 30x36, could have got a custom frame at Hobby Lobby to, but trimming the edges was only $2 and had already bought one.
Happy customer still! Thanks again!